In the last few days, we received 2013′s data on North Haiti’s largest Cholera Treatment Centre, which is one of the projects we support, based at the HHA site. In 2013, it cared for 2,632 patients, providing life saving care, in part, thanks to your support.The cholera centre is just one of many projects we’re looking to continue supporting this year, and we’d love you to join with us! Wondering how? Well, here’s one fantastic way you can have a great night out and also help support our on-going work:
The Haiti Hospital Appeal Fundraising Ball
Friday 25th April 2014, The Warren Metropolitan Police Club, Croydon Road, Bromley, BR2 7AL 7 for 7.30pm start.Ticket includes a 3 course meal, live entertainment, raffle, auction and presentation by one of the charity’s founders. Our specially invited guests include Laura Carmichael (Lady Edith from Downton Abbey).
Ticket’s are £70, but we have a special early bird rate of £60 before 14th February, so make sure you book early.*
*Tables of 10 are also available. If you are interested in booking a table there is again a reduced price of £575 if paid in full by 14th February. After that date, still at a reduction the table will be £675, with a non refundable deposit of £100 to be paid by 14th March.
This is HHA’s flagship event, to raise much needed funds for our maternity and paediatric hospital. In 2013, the ball helped raise funds which contributed to us caring for over 5,000 women, children and babies. Please join with us again!
Photo: Zane Photographs