On behalf of everyone at the Haiti Hospital Appeal – Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are now looking forward to another great year. A specific thanks to all those who kindly donated towards our Christmas appeal, raising funds for the Maternity and Paediatric Unit. So far, over £6,000 has been raised, which is great! If you haven’t had the chance to contribute yet, please consider making a donation today. – DONATE TODAY
2012 was an incredible year for us, fulfilling our ultimate dream of being able to provide specialist maternity and paediatric care through the opening of our two units last April. They’ve provided an incredible support for so many women, children and babies, and one of our main goals for 2013 is to keep those services going. The Units cost over $25,000US to run a month, so as you can see, there’s plenty of fundraising still needed. We’ve already been busy pulling together a calendar of fundraising events for 2013, which should be available in the coming week.
One date for your diary which many of you will want to pencil in now though, is our Annual Haiti Hospital Appeal Dinner Dance. It’ll be at The Metropolitan Police Sports Club, Hayes, on 26th April from 7pm. Tickets will be on sale soon!
Aside from the ball, as you look forward to 2013, could you make a new years commitment and pencil in your own fundraising activity to support our work. We’ve already got some keen runners doing several marathons for us, schools committed to doing own clothes days, churches who’ve made us their charity for the year. There’s all sorts of exciting possibilities. If you’d like to find out more, and get inspired, contact us today!
Together, lets make 2013 count for something!