Firstly, on behalf of everyone at HHA, we hope you’ve had a great Easter weekend! You can find out a little about what our field workers have been up to on their latest blog: Happy Easter
One of the most common statements our Haiti field workers face when they return home and meet with supporters interested in HHA, is… ‘I just wish I could help more and come to Haiti, but it’s just not possible at the moment.’ The reality is, that for most people, the biggest difference they can make isn’t in Haiti. The period of large investment in Haiti post earthquake and amidst the cholera epidemic is now truly over. Whilst we’re privileged to have some fantastic long term funding partnerships, the survival for most of our services once again relies entirely upon the individual fundraising efforts of our supporters. So…if you’re one of those people who have never been quite sure how to help, here’s a few exciting ideas for you this Easter:
Haiti Hospital Appeal Dinner Dance:
It’s fast approaching, and on 26th April we’ll be holding our Annual Dinner Dance. It’s always a great night, with fantastic food, live music, an auction, raffle and presentation. Come with a group, or on your own, but don’t miss this wonderful celebration as we raise money for our Maternity and Paediatric Unit. Tickets need to be purchased in advance. Contact us today:
Something fun and crazy:
One of our loyal supporters called Colin, has dyed his beard red to raise money for HHA! Colin has been to Haiti several times, but makes sure that when he’s home, the battle for those we serve continues!
Could you follow Colin’s example and do something a little crazy for HHA?
Perhaps even more crazy – HHA TOUGH MUDDER CHALLENGE:
On 8th June, we’ll be participating in the first HHA Tough Mudder Challenge. Not for the faint-hearted, this 12 mile, army obstacle course is as you can imagine…very hard, and very muddy! Never the less, we have a team of about 8 people signed up so far, and we’re looking for more! Want to know more, then visit the latest blog to see the video, visit The Tough Mudder Website, or contact:
The London Marathon is fast approaching, and this year one of our supporters will be running it for our Maternity Unit. If 26 miles is too much for you, worry not! On 14th July we’ll be having a team take part in the British 10k London Run! We’re looking for people to join our team, so please get in touch today. For more information check out the official website, or contact:
Please get in touch today if you’d like to join any of the above teams, or set up your own fundraising event!